can i use aloe vera gel on my hair everyday

Looking for a natural, easy-to-find solution to maintain luscious locks? Look no further than the humble aloe vera plant! Aloe vera gel is a versatile ingredient that can be used to improve hair health, add moisture and shine, and even help with hair growth. But, how often should you use it, and what's the best way to incorporate it into your hair care routine?

In this article, we'll explore the benefits of aloe vera for hair, how often you can use it, and the best ways to apply it for optimal results. Get ready to learn how to make aloe vera a key player in your hair care routine!

Can I Use Aloe Vera Gel on My Hair Everyday?

Straight answer? No, it is not recommended to use aloe vera gel on your hair every day. Although aloe vera gel has several benefits for your hair, using it regularly can lead to various side effects(1) that may cause harm to your scalp and hair.

Excessive Dryness

While aloe vera is known for its moisturizing properties, overuse can lead to excessive dryness of the hair. This is because aloe vera contains natural astringent properties that can cause the hair to become dry and brittle, leading to breakage and split ends. 

It is important to use aloe vera in moderation to avoid this side effect. It is also recommended to follow up with a moisturizing conditioner after using aloe vera on the hair.

Scalp Irritation

Aloe vera is generally safe for most people to use, but some individuals may be allergic or sensitive to it. This can cause scalp irritation, itching, and redness, which can eventually lead to scalp inflammation and hair loss. If you experience any discomfort or irritation while using aloe vera on your hair, discontinue use immediately and seek medical advice.

can i use aloe vera gel on my hair everyday

Product Buildup

Using aloe vera gel excessively on hair can cause product build-up, leading to dull and lifeless hair. Product build-up occurs when the hair and scalp are not properly cleansed, leading to the accumulation of residue from styling products, natural oils, and dead skin cells. 

To prevent build-up, it is important to use a clarifying shampoo once a week to remove any impurities and residues from the hair and scalp.

Color Change

Regular use of aloe vera on hair can lead to a change in hair color, especially if used in combination with other ingredients like lemon juice or honey. This is because aloe vera contains a natural enzyme called proteolytic that breaks down protein. 

Over time, this can lead to a slight lightening of the hair, which can be more pronounced when used in combination with other ingredients. 

Weighed Down Hair

Aloe vera gel is thick and can weigh down hair, especially for those with fine hair. This can make the hair look flat and lifeless, lacking volume and bounce. To avoid this, it is best to use a small amount of aloe vera gel and distribute it evenly through the hair, avoiding the roots. It is also important to use a lightweight conditioner to add volume and bounce to the hair.

6 Amazing Benefits of Aloe Vera Gel for Hair

Benefits of Aloe Vera Gel for Hair

Aloe vera gel has numerous benefits(2) for hair, ranging from promoting hair growth to reducing dandruff and improving hair texture.

Promotes Hair Growth

Aloe vera contains enzymes that can help promote hair growth by increasing blood circulation to the scalp and nourishing the hair follicles with essential nutrients. By using aloe vera regularly, you can reduce hair fall and promote thicker, healthier hair. 

Moisturizes and Hydrates Hair

Aloe vera is a natural humectant, making it a great ingredient for keeping your hair hydrated and moisturized. Aloe vera can help restore the moisture balance in your hair, making it more manageable and easier to style. 

Additionally, the vitamins and minerals found in aloe vera can help strengthen your hair, making it less prone to breakage and split ends.

Soothes Scalp and Reduces Dandruff

Aloe vera contains anti-inflammatory(3) properties that can help soothe an irritated or itchy scalp. It can also help reduce dandruff by moisturizing the scalp and preventing the buildup of dead skin cells. Regularly using aloe vera on your hair and scalp can reduce inflammation, soothe irritation, and promote a healthier scalp.

Benefits of Aloe Vera Gel for Hair

Improving Hair Texture

Aloe vera is known for containing proteolytic enzymes that work to break down and remove dead skin cells from the scalp. This is important because when dead skin cells accumulate, they can clog hair follicles, leading to a lack of hair growth and dull-looking hair. 

With aloe vera, these dead skin cells are effectively removed, which can improve hair texture, making it appear smoother, shinier, and healthier.

Balancing pH Levels

One of the remarkable properties of aloe vera is its pH level, which is similar to that of hair. This makes it an excellent natural conditioner, and when applied to the scalp and hair, it helps to balance the pH levels. 

If the pH levels of the scalp and hair are not balanced, it can lead to several hair problems like brittleness, dryness, and frizziness. The use of aloe vera on the scalp leads to healthier, more manageable hair with less frizz.

Preventing Scalp Infections

Aloe vera contains antibacterial(4) and antifungal properties that can help prevent scalp infections. Scalp infections can cause a host of issues like hair loss, flaking, and itching.

The application of aloe vera on the hair and scalp can prevent such infections from occurring, leading to a healthier scalp and hair.

How To Use Aloe Vera Properly for Healthy Hair

How To Use Aloe Vera Properly for Healthy Hair

Knowing how to use aloe vera properly can help you reap all of its benefits without damaging your hair.

How Often Can I Use Aloe Vera On My Hair?

Discovering the perfect frequency of aloe vera gel usage for your hair can be the key to achieving luscious locks. If you're seeking an overall hair health boost, using a hair mask once or twice per week with aloe vera gel is a great option. 

Or, if you're swapping out your typical shampoo and conditioner routine, using aloe vera gel two to three times a week can work wonders. To avoid any adverse reactions, limit usage to two to three times per week. Gauge your hair's response to the gel and adjust the frequency accordingly.

5 Ways To Use Aloe Vera Gel For Hair

We’ve prepared several ways for you to utilize aloe vera to its fullest potential below.

Aloe Vera Overnight Spray

  • Blend 1/2 cup of aloe vera gel and 1/4 cup of ginger juice in a blender. 
  • Pour the mixture into a spray bottle and apply it to your scalp and hair before bed. 
  • Massage it in for 20 minutes and leave it on overnight. 
  • Rinse it off the next morning.

Aloe vera and ginger juice spray can help to promote hair growth, reduce dandruff, and soothe an irritated scalp. The antibacterial properties of ginger juice helps to keep the scalp healthy and free from infections, while the vitamins and minerals present in aloe vera can help to nourish hair follicles, improving their overall health.

Ways To Use Aloe Vera Gel For Hair

Aloe Vera Leave-In Conditioner

  • Combine 1/2 cup of aloe vera gel and 10-15 drops of lavender oil. 
  • Blend it into a smooth liquid and transfer it to a pump bottle. 
  • Apply a small amount to your scalp and hair after washing. 
  • Leave it on for 2-5 minutes before rinsing.

Aloe vera can act as an excellent leave-in conditioner, adding moisture and hydration to hair strands. The addition of lavender oil can help to further nourish the hair and scalp, promoting hair growth and reducing hair loss. Lavender oil also has a calming and relaxing effect, helping to reduce stress levels, which can contribute to hair loss.

Aloe Vera and Coconut Oil for Frizz Control

  • Mix 1 cup of aloe vera gel with 1 cup of coconut oil. 
  • Heat the mixture until the residue turns dark. 
  • Allow it to cool and store it in a container. 
  • Massage the mixture into your scalp and hair for at least 30 minutes before washing.

Aloe vera and coconut oil mixture can help to tame frizzy hair, as well as deeply moisturize and nourish the hair strands. The natural fatty acids present in coconut oil can help to strengthen and condition the hair, while aloe vera can help to soothe and heal the scalp, reducing inflammation and irritation.

Ways To Use Aloe Vera Gel For Hair

Aloe Vera and Neem Oil for Dandruff Treatment

  • Add 10-15 drops of neem oil to 3-4 teaspoons of aloe vera gel. 
  • Massage the mixture into your scalp and leave it on overnight. 
  • Wash it off in the morning using herbal shampoo

The combination of aloe vera and neem oil can help treat dandruff. Neem oil's antifungal and antibacterial properties can fight against the yeast that causes dandruff, while aloe vera can soothe the scalp and reduce inflammation. The combination of these two ingredients can also help restore the natural pH balance of the scalp.

Aloe Vera, Yogurt, and Honey for Soft and Shiny Hair

  • Mix 2 teaspoons of aloe vera gel, 2 teaspoons of yogurt, and 2 teaspoons of honey in a bowl. 
  • Apply the mixture to your scalp and hair. 
  • Leave it on for 30 minutes before rinsing it off. 

A mixture of aloe vera, yogurt, and honey can help restore the natural shine and softness of hair. Yogurt's lactic acid can exfoliate the scalp, remove dead skin cells, and promote hair growth. Honey can also moisturize and condition the hair.

The Bottom Line

In short, aloe vera gel can be a game-changer in your hair care routine but it is not recommended to use it too often. Just apply it following the tips and techniques we’ve provided, two to three times a week, and soon you will achieve healthy, luscious locks every day.


1. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part C. (2016). Aloe vera: A review of toxicity and adverse clinical effects. {online} Available at:

2. Surjushe, A., Vasani, R. and Saple, D. (2008). Aloe vera: A short review. Indian Journal of Dermatology, {online} 53(4), p.163. doi:

3. Journal of Dermatological Treatment. (2023). A double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of an Aloe vera (A. barbadensis) emulsion in the treatment of seborrheic dermatitis. {online} Available at:

4. Lawrence, R., Tripathi, P. and Jeyakumar, E. (2009). Isolation, Purification and Evaluation of Antibacterial Agents from Aloe vera. Brazilian journal of microbiology : {publication of the Brazilian Society for Microbiology}, {online} 40(4), pp.906–15. doi: